1. To improve the athletes form and speed in running.
2. Prepare a better mental attitude in sports and in life.
3. Improve work habits for a better life.
4. To make a person feel and look in good condition


S = Strength Training Exercises  
P = Plyometrics                                           
E = Education
E = Endurance Development
D = Training Discipline

P = Preventive Injury 
R = Running Mechanics
O= Overall Athleticism & Conditioning
G = General & Specific Speed
R = Resistance Training                      
A = Attitude for Sports & Life
M = Measurement & testing

We believe that practicing sport & sport specific skills are the fundamentals within the performance ladder of development. More importantly we believe a high level of general athleticism and conditioning are the cornerstone & immediate predecessors for sport and sport specific skill acquisition along with receiving the benefits of being fit & functional for life's endeavors. Without a foundation & diversity of training, individuals plateau in their training efforts, are susceptible to injuries and fall short of their goals & potential. The diversity of our SPEED PROGRAM is by design to be broad & general in our quest to help increase speed, conditioning and overall athleticism to prepare an athlete to achieve his/her full potential in their chosen arena.

We train individuals from all levels and walks of life, from student athletes (kindergarten through college), adult recreational athletes, teams, civil service professionals, professional athletes to individuals who seek a tailored fitness program that provides challenge and adventure.